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Regent Language Training
English in England and Scotland / Cambridge and Edinburgh

Regent Schools offer high quality English courses. Friendly, professional tutors together with dynamic and efficient teaching methods will allow you to master the English language or brush up your skills.

Regent Schools, accredited by the British Council, are situated in England and Scotland. Each offers excellent learning conditions adjustable to individual learner's needs.

Each year the Regent schools are full of people of different nationalities. Thanks to this, the Regent schools' students have an opportunity to develop their English skills and at the same time to meet people from all over the world and learn something about their culture.

To make the journey to the school easier for the students, Regent organizes transfers from all major airports.


  • accommodation with a family: living with a local family. Single rooms are offered. This type of accommodation creates great opportunities to develop language skills outside of the classroom
  • accommodation in guest houses: this type of accommodation appeals to more independent students. Accommodation in hotels is also possible.

Free time

Each course includes a varied leisure programme - everybody shall find something for themselves in the vast offer: sports activities, music workshops, shopping, trips are only a few of the possibilities. Typical trip destinations chosen by Regent schools are, among other: Stonehenge, Loch Ness, London's West End, Leeds Castle. The weekend offer includes trips to Brussels, Dublin or Amsterdam. Some of the trips and activities in the leisure programme are available at a surcharge.

English learning does not cease with the end of classes. Course participants have excellent opportunities to practise their English in the everyday life: in the school cafeteria, in an internet café, at the place where they live. This is why the students of Regent school can make friends so easily and develop confidence in using the foreign language.

Additionally, Regent schools offer free Active English workshops. These are additional meetings with the tutor that allow for even more intensive English learning and also for making friends with other course participants. Depending on the level of proficiency, several options of Active English workshops are offered.

Regent schools offer their students a variety of facilities such as LCD TV sets, wireless internet, computers. On some weekends parties and social events are organized in the school.

A typical day at Regent

Morning meeting friends at school
09.00 - 10.30 English classes - block 1
10.30 - 11.00 break
11.00 - 12.30 English classes - block 2
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch
13.30 - 15.00 English classes - block 3
15.00 - 15.15 Tea break
15.15 - 16.15 Active English workshops (Tuesday/Wednesday/ Thursday)
16.15 - 16.30 Break
16.30 - 17.30 Learning English through fun
Evening homework, dinner, socializing with the host family or going out to the cinema with the Regent crew

Each lesson lasts 1 hour (60 minutes), some classes are conducted in a 1.5h blocks. The number of students per group is either 6 or 12. The maximum number of students taking part in an Active English workshop is 16.


 School offers the following English courses:
-English course - 15 lessons/week
-intensive English cours - 21 lessons/ week
-English course preparing for Cambridge exams PET i FCE 21 lessons/week

Available places:
- Stowe, Buckingham (7-12 years and 13-17 years)
- Scanbrit, Bournemouth (homestay 13-17 years)

STOWE SCHOOL, Buckingham

weeks  start dates fees

English course- 15 lessons/week

2 07.07-20.07
2720 GBP
3 07.07-27.07
4035 GBP
4 07.07-03.08 5340 GBP
5 07.07-10.08 6650 GBP

English course 21 lessons/week (13-17 years) preparing for exams
+ additional charge for exam CAE/FCE - 185GBP

2 07.07-20.07
2720 GBP
3 07.07-27.07
4035 GBP
4 07.07-03.08 5340 GBP
5 07.07-10.08 6650 GBP
English course - 15 lessons/ week (7-12 yrs)
2 07.07-20.07

2720 GBP

3 07.07-27.07

4035 GBP

4 07.07-03.08

5340 GBP

5 07.07-10.08

6650 GBP


weeks start dates summer camp
15 lessons/week
(13-17 yrs)
1 any Sunday between 15.04 and 28.04 or
16.06 and 24.08

1075 GBP


2 2040 GBP
3 3015 GBP
4 3980 GBP
5 4950 GBP
Additional charge for each additional week 975 GBP
weeks start dates course preparing for exam FCE or CAE
21 lessons/week
(13-17 yrs)
1 any Sunday between 15.04 and 28.04 or
16.06 and 24.08
1075 GBP
2 2040 GBP
3 3015 GBP
4 3980 GBP
5 4950 GBP
Additional charge for exam FCE or CAE 185 GBP

Family Course for Parent and Child
For adults: English Word 33 (25 hours/ week) or EW22 (15 hours/ week); breakfast and dinner.
For child (13-17 years): one of the courses mentioned above.

You can get more informations in LEXIS.

Young Home Tuition (7-17 years)

In this pogram your child lives at the teacher's home and has individual lessons here. You can choose different options: 15,20,25 hours per week.
It is possible in Bournemouth, Brighton, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, London.
You can get more informations in LEXIS.


Transfer from London Heathrow, London Gatwick (for all schools), Bournemouth and Southampton (for school in Bournemouth) is included in the pice, during the time:
arrival: Sunday 9:00-18:00
depature: Saturday 12:00-19:00.

Transfer the other day/or in other hours is available for additional cost.

English courses in Cambridge

English courses in Edinburgh

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